What is chiropractic all about?
Chiropractic is a kind of medical practice that treats and cures problems and issues with the musculoskeletal system in human body but the main focus is for spine and its care and other means of treatment. The word Chiropractic is derived from Greek word cheir praix. Cheir means hands where as Praix means practice. So, it is very obvious from the name that it is a kind of therapy which is done by hands.
This part of the human body is made up of bones, muscles, cartilage, bones and tendons. It is the main support which the human body needs. This part of the human body allows them to move around and protect other organs.
First it was believed that all the problems with the musculoskeletal was caused by the central nervous system other than having an accident or falling on your back but now this concept is not official anymore as this theory was rejected many years back.
This treatment is done for reducing back pains and improves the movements and functions of humans. This therapy is done by putting pressure on the back with hands in a very specific way in different parts of back. This requires years for practice and deep knowledge.
This therapy has recently got its fame, in the previous years’ doctors used to suggest surgery but now with this new therapy in the medicine world, many people are turning their backs from surgery. Well, in the older times when there was no knowledge of surgery people used to fix their bones in this traditional way. As there is a saying, time comes back soon, this therapy has gained much popularity because it is less painful, it does not require any kind of anesthesia or hundreds of daily medicines.
This therapy is popular because it is done in way that people become extra fit by doing it. The reason is that there are three types of therapy; exercise therapy, physical therapy and medicine therapy. This therapy is done worldwide and there are plenty of Chiropractic Clinics in Dubai with several professional chiropractors in Dubai, UAE. So, if you have any problem or pain related to your back bone just visit the any near clinic in Dubai or in any part of UAE.