Can you replace missing teeth?
You could’ve misplaced or lost your teeth due to several different reasons such as cavities, gum disease, injury or sometimes even a genetic condition is to be blamed for. Whatever the reason must be, you could be facing a huge problem adjusting without the teeth so the question remains if you can replace your missing teeth and if there is a way to do so? Luckily there is a way to replace your missing teeth. Here’s how:
- Dental implants
Dental implants can be used for two different scenarios. One: where you want to replace a single tooth and two: where you want have different teeth missing in different positions in the mouth. Best dental implant Dubai would even last you for decades without needing the replacement and the best part about this all is that they look exactly like the natural teeth so you don’t have to worry about them looking fake. Other benefit of dental implant would be that it helps you in withholding the different teeth in your mouth and providing strength to them so that they would never need a replacement like the other ones.
- Dental bridges
This is a good option in a situation where you are missing a single tooth or two of them in the same space right next to each other. Check in with your dentist or even with your pediatric dentist Dubai to see if you are an eligible candidate for dental bridge. The basic idea is to close off the gap between the teeth with dental cement. Probably the biggest benefit of dental bridges would bet that they are cheaper than the implant which makes it more usable and affordable. They also leave a natural look to your mouth that won’t get the artificial noticed. But the problem with bridge is pretty obvious that the plaque and other such bacteria could be getting in your gums.
- Removable dentures
This would be suggested to you by your dentist if you need a full denture or a partial. The removable part is where you will be able to take it in and out of the mouth. Proper pair of dentures would be stuck to a pink looking base that can easily slide in and out of the mouth. But this option is more expensive than other ones.